• The laboratory is a healthcare institution registered under the Healthcare Institutions Act.
  • Laboratory staff work only with strictly individual systems for the safe taking of blood and other biological materials
  • Clinical laboratory "NADEJDA" works ONLY with closed systems for DISPOSABLE sampling by globally recognized manufacturers of laboratory materials and of laboratory equipment. Containers are factory-sealed and the air is removed from them: i.e.a blood sample test is done under the effect of a vacuum and not as with other methods under the influence of pressure in the vein. Needles for sampling have a special rubber stall and are laser-sharpened, which minimizes to the greatest extent the injury at the injection point.
  • Confidentiality of personal data and results
  • Daily internal checks of apparatus and kits
  • Continued participation in the National System for External Laboratory Control
  • Unique identification of all samples
  • All of the biological material is individually labeled by placing a unique barcode on each sample of each patient.
  • Laboratory analysis solely on the basis of approved methods, equipment and reagents
  • Results can be obtained at the end of the same day in case of emergency. Receipt by mail, courier and Internet
  • The sampling rooms are equipped with air evacuation and air conditioning systems and are disinfected every few hours with disinfectants recommended by RHI. The team works in good faith and strict observance of rules for disinfection and sterilization in absolute conformity with European standards.
  • Ecological thinking and action

The laboratory works for separate collection of waste. The team ensures that no materials or chemicals representing a danger to people or the environment leave the room for whatever reason.